Lesson Plans


Bellow you will find summaries and links to three sample units which include lesson plans.

Language Arts



English Language Arts:
-Retell Stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message. (RL 1.2)
Science Incorporation:
-Properties of objects and materials can change
-Living things can survive only in environments that meet their needs.
Social Studies Incorporation:
-Individuals are accountable for their actions

Link to Language Arts Unit


During my student teaching experience in a first grade classroom I taught a language arts unit about Dr. Seuss. Students learned about beginning, middle, end, and central message. Science and social studies were incorporated into the unit. All handouts and assessments were made by me.

What you will find

  • Complete Language Arts Unit
  • Assessments and Rubrics
  • Student Work Samples
  • Assessment Results


This unit was made during a course required for my MEd. I used a weebly site to display all lesson plans and activities.  The unit was designed for second grade students and incorporates a variety of instructional technologies.

What you will find

  • Complete Language Arts Unit
  • Instructional Technologies
  • Assessments and assignments
  • My video explain site

Social Studies



Theme: People Working Together

Strand: History

Topic: Heritage- Ideas and events from the past have shaped the world as it is today. The actions of individuals and groups have made a difference in the lives of others.

Content Statement:
4. Biographies can show how peoples’ actions have shaped the world in which we live.

Link to Social Studies Unit




MD.1:Measure lengths indirectly by using iterating units.
MD.2 Express the length of an objects a whole number of length units, by lying multiple copies of a shorter object (the unit length) end to end; understand that the length measurement of an object is the number of same-size units that span it with no gaps or overlaps.

Link to Math Lesson Plans


During my student teaching experience I taught several math units.  I have included sample assignments that I created for the geometry and fraction units.  I also included sample lesson plans that I created for a measurement unit and a daily smart board math lesson.

What you will find

  • Sample Lesson Plans
  • Sample Handouts